I'm pleased to announce that "Bus Driver! Bus Driver!" is now available in paperback starting today, 10/21/2022.
A New Book and New Series
"Bus Driver! Bus Driver!" is the first book in the new series, The Little Brown Spider Presents. When I was thinking about this series a couple of years ago, I wanted a place to publish books that weren't part of The Little Brown Spider universe, but still had some connection to the able arachnid, even if in title only.
Now, with the inaugural issue of The Little Brown Spider Presents, we have that place. The first offering, "Bus Driver! Bus Driver!" finds our main character, Lilly, anxious about going to school. In order to ease her fears, she tries to delay getting on the school bus by running back home over and over again to get something she "forgot." It's a charming little tale written by Charlotte Melville and illustrated by Anchi Nguyen.
"Bus Driver! Bus Driver!" is available now from Amazon and other retailers.
- Dennis DeRobertis
Stone Hollow Press